Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Everyday, I wake up with a set of goals. First goal is sitting up and turning off the alarm, instead of just hitting the snooze button over and over.  Second Goal: Shower, dress, brush my teeth, get the diaper bag ready with extra outfits for each kid, diapers, pull-ups, bottles, sippy cup, lunches, snacks, and a toy of some sort. The second goal is supposed to be completed before the kids wake up. This is a goal that NEVER is acchieved. But, life would probably get boring if it were completely ideal. Right? Sophie is always up and about before Sam. Mainly because Sam is still in a crib and thus restrained from running about until Mommy removes him from his little jail. Best part of the morning is when Sophie interrupts my second goal and converses with me about how well she slept and what she dreamed about. It's always the same. She always has had a "nice sleep" and dreams about "kitty cats, doggies, and bunny rabbits." She is the best little companion in the world. Second favorite part of my morning is when I walk in Sam's room and he's jumping in his crib waiting for me to remove him from his compound with the BIGGEST smile on his face. Sophie keeps me entertained and Sam keeps me sane. My kids are great. Third Goal: Get the kids out the door without forgetting anything, dropped off at their Nana's house, and arrive at work early. That also rarely happens. I usually arrive right on time. Better than late.
Then it's work all day and home I go! Off to see the husband and kids. Second awesome part of the day: Seeing their three faces. Anyway, life's hectic, crazy, frustrating, and 100% amazing! That's a little about me on a Monday-Friday basis. This blog will probably be mostly comprised of things I know, naturally, including movies (mostly oldies) and my kids. Thanks for taking the time to read this. More to come.

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